速報APP / 生活品味 / NATB 12 Steps For Narcotics Addicts

NATB 12 Steps For Narcotics Addicts





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Northamptonshire UK

NATB 12 Steps  For Narcotics Addicts(圖1)-速報App

NATB 12 Step App (Narcotics Addicts Toolbox)

This is the only recovery app based on the big book alcoholics anonymous that you will ever need to maintain your daily reprieve from your drug addiction. It is a perfect companion app for your 12 step program narcotics addicts program.

* App features a recovery calculator which keeps a track of number of days you are clean for. Just set your clean date in the counter and it will automatically calculate the length of your sobriety.

* Create your step 4 inventory

* Share your step 4 with your sponsor in the step 5 tool.

* Make a list of people you have harmed in step 8

* Make amends in step 9

* Step 10 helps you take spot inventories

* Step 11 for your night time inventories

NATB 12 Steps  For Narcotics Addicts(圖2)-速報App

* And the list doesn't end there. You will not need another diary app again. The Journal tool in this app will easily help you write down your notes. Make short notes and edit them as many times as you want.

* The 12 step program is not complete with the gratitude list tool. This tool will let you write down the things you are grateful for.

* Worried about others checking your personal notes? We have taken care of that too by giving you an extra layer of security with Pin Locking.

* This 12 step anonymous program is all about sharing with others and hence a lovely feature has been added for sharing your inventories, journal and gratitude lists via Facebook, Twitter, email, texts, WhatsApp and more.

* Includes a AA Big Book first 164 pages and Dr Bob's Nightmare.

In short, if you are a recovering addict and need a 12 step companion you can carry in your pocket, especially if you don't have a sponsor yet, this tool will go a long way in recovery.

This App is not affiliated to, endorsed by or sponsored by any 12 step fellowship including but not limited to Narcotics Anonymous.

For any suggestions or problems, please email me directly on ibyteapps@gmail.com

If you cannot afford the pro features in this app, please get in touch and I'll provide you a discounted version of it.

NATB 12 Steps  For Narcotics Addicts(圖3)-速報App

Visit our website for more information: http://www.12steptoolkit.com

NATB 12 Steps  For Narcotics Addicts(圖4)-速報App